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Egg Donation Program

Compass Fertility's partnership with Central IVF means that we can provide donor eggs with minimal wait times and the guarantee of embryos. Our unique transport sharing program allows us to save you money, without reducing your chances of success. 

Compass understands that using the Egg Donation Program can seem daunting. Our partners at Central IVF do a thorough screening of all egg donors, and ensure that they meet the highest standards of health and wellbeing.

If you think our Egg Donation Program is right for you, please call Compass to arrange an appointment with your fertility specialist. 


find our more about our egg donation program

To find out more about Compass' Egg Donation Program, fill in the form below and one of our Guides will be in touch to give you further information. 


About egg donation

The use of donated eggs for an IVF/ICSI cycle can sound like a daunting process, but it doesn’t need to be. Our partners at Central IVF adhere to the highest clinical and ethical standards, ensuring donated eggs have the best chances of success. For a donor to be eligible, Central IVF have stipulated they meet the following criteria:

Oocyte donors will be willing to undergo 'ID release', meaning offspring of a donor egg at the age of 18 years has the option to contact the donor.

  • Oocyte donors will be between the ages of 21 and 34.

  • Central IVF donors are fertility proven (over 90%), meaning they have born a child in the past.

  • Psychological evaluation and counselling by a qualified mental health professional is mandatory.

  • The donor will undergo appropriate genetic evaluation based on medical history, in accordance with ethnic background and current Australian guidelines. All donors will undergo Cystic Fibrosis, Fragile X, SMA and karyotype chromosome testing.

The egg guarantee

To ensure our patient's have the best chance of success, Central IVF provides the following guarantees for those who use their egg donation program:

  • Central IVF will allocate batches containing the agreed upon number of vitrified oocytes (eggs).

  • Central IVF will guarantee two good quality embryos on day-3 (64-65 hours, 6-8 cells, up to 10% fragmentation) until the recipient has reached clinical pregnancy.

  • Once good quality embryos have been created, Central IVF’s commitment is considered to be fulfilled.

  • If a single good-quality embryo has been created and embryo transfer resulted in a clinical pregnancy - Central IVF’s commitment is considered to be fulfilled.

  • If a single good-quality embryo has been created and no clinical pregnancy resulted from embryo transfer, Central IVF agrees to provide sufficient oocytes in order to fulfil their original commitment at no extra cost apart from shipping cost i.e. the recipient will incur no replacement costs but will be responsible for shipping.